趣谈 | 互相伤害!要是这么做,英国人分分钟跟你翻脸
由于文化差异和英国人内心的“小傲娇”,似乎总有外国人一不小心就让英国人大翻白眼。而对于“怎么样会激怒英国人”这个话题,在Quora上(类似于美国的知乎),大家的话匣子一打开就根本停不下来了啊!其中@Mike Heroys童鞋的回答得到拥护赞美无数!So,到底怎样分分钟惹恼英国人呢? @Mike Heroys童鞋这样说↓
There are so many ways to annoy us! Where to begin? Try any of the following:
1Call us "Britishers" - we're "the British" or "British people" dammit!
- 管我们英国人叫“Britishers”- 请叫我们“the British”或“British people”好吗!妈蛋!
2 Cut in front of us in a queue or line - wait your turn, please!
-在我们前面插队 –懂不懂先来后到啊!
3Sit in the seat next to us when there are empty seats further away
- 当其他地方有空位的时候,你却选择了坐在我旁边。。。
4Tell us that you "love our accent" when we're travelling in America; we don't have an accent, we speak the Queen's English properly
- 在美国旅游时,你们表示“喜欢我们的口音”;拜托~我们那不叫口音,阿拉讲的可是纯正的女王英语好伐啦~
5Suggest that we get rid of the Pound and switch to the Euro
- 觉得我们不该使用英镑,而是应该加入欧元区
6Tell us that cricket is a stupid game
- 说我的板球运动很傻
7Criticise our national team's performance in any sport - only we're allowed to do that
- 对我们国家队在各个体育赛事的表现评头论足 – 关你屁事!只有我们才有资格评论!
8Suggest that the BBC is not the greatest broadcasting organisation in the world
- 居然觉得全球最棒的广播公司不是BBC!
9 Ask us how we are and expect to get an honest answer - we're always "fine", "good" or "OK"
- 跟我们打招呼问“你好吗?”并期待我们真心的回答 –想多了,我们只会回答“凑合”、“还行吧”、“就那样吧”(
10Say that we couldn't have won World War 2 without American help and that the war only began 'properly' in 1942 when the US entered the war
- 说没有美国的帮助我们根本就赢不了二战,还说1942年美国加入后二战才算爆发
11Fly the Union Jack upside down
- 把英国国旗上下挂颠倒了
12Say that the Falkland Islands belong to Argentina and that Gibraltar belongs to Spain
- 说福克兰群岛属于阿根廷,直布罗陀海峡属于西班牙
13Tell us that Monty Python isn't funny
- 说我们的巨蟒剧团一点也不好笑
英国著名喜剧团体巨蟒剧团(Monty Python)成立于1969年,当这五个英国佬和一个美国佬第一次胡言乱语恬不知耻地出现在BBC电视台上时,整个英伦三岛都傻了眼。之后,“巨蟒”逐渐为世界所熟知,并以自己独特的幽默方式开创了一种被全世界(尤其是好莱坞)广泛效仿和套用的喜剧类型。这个名字俨然已经被推崇为后现代的文化符号,有“喜剧界的披头士”之称。
14Imply that we don't have the best Army, Navy and Air Force in the world
- 觉得我们的海陆空战队不是世界第一!
15Be unable to understand English, particularly when we're shouting questions at you loudly and slowly in your own country
- 听不懂英语,就连我们大声且字正腔圆地提问都听不懂~
16Spell the words "colour", "flavour" or "favourite" without the "u"
- 拼写单词“colour”、“flavour”、“favourite”不带“u”
17Make a film about zombies and call it "World War Zee" - it's "World War Zed", idiot!
- 拍了个僵尸片叫“世界大战Zee”-是“世界大战Zed”好吗!傻蛋!
18And most annoying of all:
- 然而最让人闹心的是:
Not be able to provide a cup of tea on demand
怎么样?笑过之后想不想搞一版“歪果仁分分钟惹恼中国人的N种方式”?来来来,尽情留言,互相伤害吧!Who 怕Who!